Thursday 16 August 2012

Shirley by Charlotte Bronte

"Mr Moore haunted his mill, his mill-yard, his dyehouse, and his warehouse till the sickly dawn strengthened into day. The sun even rose - at least a white disc, clear, tintless and almost chill-looking as ice, peeped over the dark crest of a hill, changed to silver the livid edge of a cloud above it, and looked solemnly down the whole length of the den, or narrow dale, to whose straight bounds we are present limited."

Shirley was written in 1848 / 49 by Charlotte Bronte

I am only 100 pages into Shirley (out of 600 odd pages) - i'm finding that i'm a bit Bronted out at the moment and not able to read too much of it in one go. However, there are some really nice passages in it - so i'm going to persevere.


  1. I too have just started reading Shirley and am also a bit 'Bronted' out after reading 6 Bronte books in succession then the Elizabeth Gaskell biography! I hope you succeed in your perseverance!

  2. 'Shirley' is particularly interesting, as it involves the Luddite Rebellion as part of the narrative. 2012 is I think the 200th anniversary of those events. A good time to read it! Jan
